
Presale start for GLI AMICI DI NICK HEZARD (CP 18) + L´IMMORALITA (CP 19) Posted on 4 Jan 22:02 , 0 comments

Presale start of the next two films. 

First, there is GLI AMICI DI NICK HEZARD aka THE STING aka DER STACHEL, a wonderful gangster film contribution by FERNANDO DI LEO. Although in the international as well as German titling The Sting was the inspiration NICK HEZARD has also a slight comedic touch, but on the other hand it is merciless and grim, as wonderfully Italian as you appreciate. Di Leo directed superbly and is supported with a dream cast - Luc Merenda, Lee J Cobb, William Berger, Gabriele Ferzetti, Luciana Paluzzi, Dagmar Lassander, Fred Williams. 

On the other hand, we have a truly unique film that could only have been made at that time. But L'IMMORALITA by Massimo Pirri is definitely not a sexploitation machination as one might think but a very crude social portrait with few positive characters - a downright angry film.

A wonderful cast with Dagmar Lassander, Mel Ferrer and Howard Ross ennobled with a Morricone score. 

Release date is February 24th 2023.

Vorverkauf Start der nächsten beiden Filme. 

Zum einem wäre da GLI AMICI DI NICK HEZARD aka THE STING aka DER STACHEL, ein wunderbarer Gangsterfilmbeitrag von FERNANDO DI LEO. Obwohl bei der internationalen wie deutschen Titelgebung Der Clou Pate stand und NICK HEZARD einen leichten komödiantischen Einschlag besitzt, ist er andererseits gnadenlos und grimmig, so wunderbar italienisch wie man es schätzt. Di Leo inszenierte hervorragend und wird mit einem Traumcast unterstützt - Luc Merenda, Lee J Cobb, William Berger, Gabriele Ferzetti, Luciana Paluzzi, Dagmar Lassander, Fred Williams. 

Zum anderen haben wir einen wirklich einzigartigen Film der so nur zu dieser Zeit entstehen hat können. L´IMMORALITA von Massimo Pirri ist aber definitiv kein Sexploitation Machwerk wie man meinen könnte sondern ein sehr krudes Gesellschaftsportrait mit wenig positiven Charakteren - ein regelrecht zorniger Film.

Ein wunderbarer Cast mit Dagmar Lassander, Mel Ferrer und Howard Ross geadelt mit einem Morricone Score. 

Veröffentlichungsdatum ist der 24. Februar 2023

I GABBIANI VOLANO BASSO (CP16) + QUELLA CAROGNA DELL´ISPETTORE STERLING (CP 17) out now & shipping! Posted on 24 Nov 12:21 , 0 comments

Both new Mediabook releases I GABBIANI VOLANO BASSO (CP 16) & QUELLA CAROGNA DELL´ISPETTORE STERLING (CP 17) are out and all preorders shipped. Get your copy now!

I GABBIANI VOLANO BASSO (CP 16) & QUELLA CAROGNA DELL ISPETTORE STERLING (CP 17) Mediabooks Presale Start! Posted on 13 Oct 21:03 , 0 comments

Presale start of 2 new Film Releases! Releasedate 28.November      

Seagulls fly low

OT: I Gabbiani volano basso

German Titel

Killer sterben einsam

I 1978

D: Giorgio Cristallini (under George Warner)

A: Maurizio Merli, Mel Ferrer, Nathalie Delon, Dagmar Lassander, Franco Garofalo

M: Roberto Pregadio


* Worldwide 2K Blu-Ray Premiere!

* Featurette Maurizio Merli - A Lethal Hunter of subtle Variation - Mike Malloy - 29 min.

* International Picture Gallery 

* International Titel Sequences

* Separately playable Score 

* Hardcover Mediabook with partial UV Spot 

* 28 pages Booklet with an Essay by Udo Rotenburg in German and english filled with international promo material and fotos.

* Double-sided Poster with the German VHS cover and the Italian locandia motif

* 4 Cover Variations, Italian Locandia, Italian VHS with German title, German VHS and a Collage with German and English title in a numbered &  limited edition of 300/300/250/250 pieces

Technical Specifications:

Running time: 97 minutes

Format: 1.85:1, 1080p

Sound: DTS-HD 2.0

Audio: German, Italian, English 

Subtitles: German, English 

Region Code Free

Frame up

Italian Titel

Quella Carogna Dell Ispettore Sterling

I 1968

D: Emilio Miraglia (under Hal Brady)

A: Henry Silva, Pier Paolo Capponi, Luciano Rossi, Keenan Wynn, Beba Loncar

M: Robby Poitevin


* Worldwide 2K Blu-Ray Premiere!

* Interview Henry Silva - European Adventures - 25 min.

* Internationale Picture Gallery 

* alternative international Titelsequence

* Separately playable Score 

* Hardcover Mediabook with partial UV Spot

 * 28 pages Booklet with an Essay by Udo Rotenburg in German and english filled with international promo material and fotos.

* Double-sided Poster with 2 Italian motifs

* 3 Cover Variations with 3 different Italian poster motifs in a numbered &  limited edition of 350/350/350 pieces

Technical Specifications:

Running time:  99 Minuten

Format: 2.35:1, 1080p

Sound: DTS-HD 2.0

Audio: italian, english 

Subtitles: german, english